


Born Henry Allen Boozer, Jr. in Spartanburg, SC (reared in Cross Anchor, SC), Ron began studying piano at age six. Early on in his development,
local muscians Rev. H.B. Jackson, James Garnett, Ms. Mary Wilson were his
teachers and influences. Not only did he have a love for piano, but a love
for all of the instruments. In addition to the piano, Ron, very early in life, taught himself and became
proficent on guitar and drums. In elementary school, he played both flute and the
recorder. In Junior High, he played tenor saxophone, trumpet, and drums. In
the Ninth grade, he joined the marching and concert bands played tenor sax.
In the 11th grade, he switched to drums. In the 10th grade, Ron earned a superior
rating at South Carolina Solo and Ensemble Comeptition on tenor saxophone. In the 12th grade
Ron again earned the superior rating, but this time it was for his percussion mastery.
He was voted Band President his Senior year in High School. He played piano for his church, Mt. Zion C.M.E.,
from age 7 until he gradutaed from Woodruff High School.
In 1986, Ron and another former pupil of Rev. H.B. Jackson, Ken Cheeks, formed the jazz
ensemble Sunrise. Sunrise shared the stage with legends like Ramsey Lewis, Betty Carter
and Stanley Turrentine.
In 2007, Ron started another jazz ensemble named Bamboo Forest. Bamboo Forest, in their
short existence, has already shared the stage with Mulgrew Miller. Bamboo Forest
frequently performs at EP's Delta Kitchen (an upscale Elvis Pressley namesake nightclub)
on Beale St. in Memphis, TN.
Since 1992, Ron has been a keyboardist at Greater Imani Christian Center in Memphis, TN.

